Orakei Basin Trip
On Wednesday 28th March the Year 3's went on a mission to pick up waste around the Orakei Basin which is impacting on our local environment. It was a
beautiful sunny day and not a breeze at all, so we were very lucky. We
found a variety of pieces of waste along the way including bottle tops,
plastic bags, shoes, buckets, plastic pipes etc. We brought the waste
back to school and after lunch we completed a waste audit. The Enviro Ferns and Mrs Elmore helped us by sorting all the rubbish and recording what we had collected in a tally.
Walking down the steps to the Orakei Basin.Coming to the end of the new walkway.
Having a break after hiking up the step hill.
Our school stream comes out to the basin here.
The "Duck Bridge"
We could see some fish in the water which was nice to see.
Our big pile of rubbish that we found.
Mrs Elmore helping us sort the rubbish.
Some Enviro Ferns have sorted bottle tops and are tallying the results.