Sunday, 1 April 2012

Orakei Basin Trip

On Wednesday 28th March the Year 3's went on a mission to pick up waste around the Orakei Basin which is impacting on our local environment. It was a beautiful sunny day and not a breeze at all, so we were very lucky.  We found a variety of pieces of waste along the way including bottle tops, plastic bags, shoes, buckets, plastic pipes etc.  We brought the waste back to school and after lunch we completed a waste audit.  The Enviro Ferns and Mrs Elmore helped us by sorting all the rubbish and recording what we had collected in a tally.
  Walking down the steps to the Orakei Basin.
 Coming to the end of the new walkway.

 Having a break after hiking up the step hill.
 Our school stream comes out to the basin here.
 The "Duck Bridge"
 We could see some fish in the water which was nice to see.

 Our big pile of rubbish that we found.
 Mrs Elmore helping us sort the rubbish.

 Some Enviro Ferns have sorted bottle tops and are tallying the results.


  1. Sophie McDermott1 April 2012 at 13:08

    Wow! Lots of rubbish.

  2. I really liked our school trip Mrs Cook. It was so so fun

  3. It was a cool trip to the orakei basin.

  4. This trip was fun

  5. I loved going on the trip.

  6. I like your smile Michael on the duck bridge.I like going on trips.

  7. I picked up a glass bottle and a smoke stick. I loved the trip Mrs Cook.I like your smile Michael.

  8. It was awesome i loved it my favourite was when we were on the Orakei bridge

  9. The field trip was really great!

  10. The trip was fun but i'm sad because of all of the birds dying that we saw on the video.

  11. My favourite part of the day was when we were at the duck bridge i think that the rubbish was not very good

  12. I think that we picked up lots of rubbish and we saved lots of birds and fish.

  13. Wow look at The rubbish

  14. I enjoyed that we had to pick up the rubbish becase I like
    to save the birds

  15. Going on trips are awesome because you get to have lots of fun

  16. I was dying because I was thirsty!!!

  17. I think that all of the rubish was disgusting and my favourite part of the day was when we saw the jet skier.

  18. I think we saved a lot of animals from the rubbishthat we picked up

  19. Hey Room 23, Miss Smith here, this is my favourite place to go and visit in my spare time. I like looking over the side of the duck bridge at the fish too. You found so much rubbish, I can't believe it! Thank you for helping to keep New Zealand green. .

  20. kayra & charlotte8 May 2012 at 19:38

    Dear room 23,
    I love how you put so much work into your blog
